We are very excited to announce that Unmasking the Mark Part 3 is finally finished and is now available to watch for free online on YouTube, Vimeo and Rumble, while all three parts are also available at www.unmaskingthemark.com.
I appreciate your patience and support, as Part 3 of Unmasking the Mark has taken much longer than expected to produce and edit. The film contains more than 125 full 3D animations and just over 2 hours of content. The purpose of Unmasking the Mark Part 3 is to answer the question ‘Why is the Sabbath day the focal point of the mark of the beast crisis?’ Why is it that this will be the deciding point of contention that will determine the fate of men’s souls for eternity? Too often the mark of the beast subject is devalued to a conflict between the right day of worship and the wrong day — and thereby the true significance of the conflict is lost.
In Part 3 of Unmasking the Mark the true significance of the Sabbath as a sign of sanctification, of righteousness by faith and of the worship of the True God is restored; and the counterfeit day of worship is unmasked, revealing itself to be what it has always been — a sign of salvation by one’s own works.

3-Disc DVD Set
The Unmasking the Mark series is now available as a 3-Disc DVD set containing a total of 5 hours and 37 minutes of content. Volume discounts are available and are posted on the product page. Unmasking the Mark tracts are also a great way to share this series efficiently and inexpensively in large numbers.
Please join us in prayerfully sharing this series with as many as possible that the darkness enshrouding these prophecies may be lifted and satan’s most cherished deceptions finally unmasked.